W&W Hot Toddy

Hey there friends! We’re a bit late on this blog post, but please see below for the W&W recommended recipes for the Hot Toddy. One from New England, one from Pennsylvania, both delicious.

Mark's Hot Toddy

Mark’s Manhattan

  • 2 shots of Bourbon

  • 1 cup of Black Tea

  • 1 lemon wedge

  • 2 small squeezes of honey

For normal drinkers, feel free to halve the Bourbon. Lipton tea since I am not a hipster tea snob. Locally sourced honey is a nice touch.

DJ's Hot Toddy

DJ’s Hot Toddy

  • 2 oz Bourbon

  • 8 oz Black Tea

  • 1/4 oz fresh lemon juice

  • 1/2 oz maple syrup

A New England twist on an old classic. I swap the honey for maple syrup, reduce the lemon juice, and I use a Earl or Lady Grey Creme tea.


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